Ever hate that feeling during a job interview when you are awkwardly put in the same waiting room with your fellow human competition. You want to be polite to them - but at the same time they are competing with you and trying to take your job so you can’t help but to secretly glare at them – well at least on the inside! Well humans should be the last thing on your worry list in the next ten years because maybe the robot terminators that were trying to replace humans in John Cameron’s blockbuster movie the Terminator, might no longer just be a mere fantasy.

A study conducted by the Oxford University found out that 45% of current jobs will disappear in the next 10 years with some of them being completely automated or at least automated to some point where a fraction of the human work force is needed. This can apply for both white and blue collar jobs.

In this post we are going to cover the top 10 jobs that are at risk to disappear in 10 years due to AI, robots and technology. We as humans should address these potential concerns for certain jobs that are at the most risk of being completely replaced by AI in the future and make sure we are aware and not be caught by surprise if and when a robot does take away our job. So stick around to the end and learn something.

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Number 1 is fast food workers. I find this one kind of ironic because I remember my teachers used to say that if you don’t do well in school you will end up flipping burgers at a fast food joint. Now, even these jobs are at risk. Now think about last time you visited a fast food restaurant and noticed that they now have multiple self-ordering kiosks where you can order your own food. Now take a look and also notice that the registers with human cashiers taking your orders have been reduced to just a few and in some places – half of what it used to be. The kiosks have officially replaced the need for human cashiers – and this is not even 10 years from now.

Essentially what the owners of the fast food restaurants are doing is reducing their human labor force and training you and I; the consumers to be able to order our own food on these self check-out kisosk with little to no need for interaction with costly human employees. The fast food restaurants can save on salaries, medical benefits, insurances and they do not need to worry about their pesky human work force complaining and protesting for minimum wage hikes and better benefits.

To take it another step further, eliminating cashier is just the beginning as now there are robotic cooks that have taken over the traditional human burger flipper jobs. In this video clip, you see a fully automated robotic hand cook flipping burgers, putting French fries in the fryer, multi-tasking these tasks efficiently without complaint and a need for break. 

There has been multiple restaurants in the US that has have adopted fully automated fast food restaurants and around the world and you bet this will be a trend and these robots will only get more advanced and efficient. At some point, this will replace the human labor by half if not entirely. This makes me think back about what my teachers had said; if you don’t do well in school you will be flipping burgers for a living. It’s now if you don’t do well in school you can’t even flip burgers anymore because a robot will have taken your job.


Say Goodbye to Fast Food Jobs

Number 2 – Commercial drivers, whether rideshare, delivery, truck drivers, these jobs are on the high risk of being replaced with Artificial intelligence and self-driving technology. This should come as no surprise as self-driving cars are the way of the future and we already have self-driving features in the very early stages but there is a huge possibility that self-driving cars will be mainstream in the next 10 years. Companies like Tesla and Uber are spearheading the way towards a driverless future and with self-driving AI cars, there will be no need for human drivers and hence no need for jobs that require drivers.

That means ride share drivers, taxi drivers, truck drivers, delivery drivers will all have to look for new jobs if and when these self-driving features become commercialized. There are a few rideshare companies that have made news with their ongoing battles with rideshare drivers who want to be classified and recognized as employees. With employees of course come the benefits, insurance, retirement plans which will be very costly for employers. So instead, they are making a pre-emptive strike by just replacing the need for human drivers by automating cars with self-driving technology.

If this really does happen in the future, you can imagine the sheer amount of drivers that will be out of work. 


Number 3 – Retail Human Cashiers – This one should be as obvious as it can get. Almost every retail store you go to (with the exception of some department stores) you see a row of self-checkout kiosks that customers can scan their own items, pay for it on their own with cash, credit card, smartphone, etc. Fast food chains like McDonalds and Panera Bread, retail stores like Target, Walgreens, Wal-Mart, and supermarkets like Stop and Shop all have self-checkout kiosks.

There is normally one human employee for every 6-10 of these kiosks that overlooks and assists customers if they need help. That’s up 10 humans jobs that have been replaced and maybe even more for larger stores with more self-checkout lanes. What makes matter worst is less and less people are paying with cash as most pay with credit card. Eventually, smartphone and even improved technology where people can scan their own items and pay on their phone will be more of the norm; it is just a matter of time.

Number 4 – Travel Agents. To be honest, I don’t think I ever booked a vacation with a human travel agent. Like the rest of my millennium peers, we are in the era of the internet and websites like Trip Advisor, Expedia, booking.com, Priceline can book the flight and hotels you need quickly with just a credit card. Now with sites Airbnb, people don’t even have to book traditional travel packages they normally would from travel agents. It is so easy to use and you can compare sites and do as much research as you need on your own before making your decision. There is no need to even pick up a phone or leave the comfort of your home.

Number 5 - Accountants and Bookkeepers – more and more people I personally know are filing their own taxes thanks to accounting software like Turbo Tax. With the ever changing technology, AI, and algorithms more accounting related tasks that were once done by humans are being automated with computers and software.


Number 6 - Real Estate Agents – Who needs a pushy salesman that works for a commission when you can cut out the middle man and buy directly from the seller themselves?  With sites like homelight and Opendoor, it will be a be a matter of time before real estate agents will become a thing of the past.


Number 7 - Newspaper delivery Jobs – Seems like the paperboy riding on a bike and chucking a newspaper with quarterback like precision is thing of legend nowadays. Although there are still newspaper delivery people dropping of loads of newspapers from trucks can you really imagine this job being around in 10 years? With more things going online including your traditional news and the younger generation reading everything from a smartphone, I think getting your hands black and dirty with newspapers is something that will be out of style.


Number 8 – Stockbrokers – Long gone are the days of Bud Fox and Gordon Gecko. Stock trading like so much other industries is increasingly becoming more automated and according to an article by cnbc in 2019, up to 80% of stocks are trading by machines.

Apps like robinhood was the birth of a new trend, you can buy and sell stocks without your traditional broker and paying a hefty fee. Other brokerages followed and now you can buy and sell stocks on an app with just a push of a button with little or no brokerage fees while eating lunch, taking the train, sitting on the toilet….you get the picture. No need for pricy human interaction.


Gordon Gecko

Number 9 Bankers - Similar to stockbrokers everything can be done online without interacting with another human being. You can go to any bank website like Chase or Bank of America, and literally click open an account and do everything online from the comfort of your own home. No more taking trips to the bank to deal with human bankers. 

Number 10 – Farmers – Physical human labor on farms was once the key to feeding the human population worldwide. According to the USDA website, the farms in the USA for instance were at an all-time high of 6.8 million farms in 1935. Fast forward to 2021, the number has drastically decline to just 2.01 million farms left in the USA.

With decreased farms obviously comes with decrease need in human labor. Once again the lack of need for human labor can be traced to advancing technology. Automated machinery can operate with little human supervision which can do the work that will take multiple human farmers to complete. As time goes on, farming machinery will become more advanced and with artificial intelligence it might not even need human supervision. The old school farmer with a pitchfork might be a thing you will see in museums.


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